<i>Icom</i> <i>IC-PW1 Euro</i>
<i>Icom</i> <i>IC-PW1 Euro</i>
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Icom IC-PW1 Euro

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  • Here are some key features and information about the Icom PW1 amplifier
  • Output Power: The Icom PW1 is capable of delivering a significant amount of output power, often in the range of 1,000 watts (1 kW) or more, depending on the frequency band and input power from the transceiver.
  • Frequency Coverage: The PW1 is designed to cover multiple amateur radio bands, typically from HF (high frequency) through 6 meters (50 MHz), which allows for a wide range of operating possibilities.
  • Automatic Tuning: Many versions of the Icom PW1 include an automatic antenna tuner, which helps match the impedance of the connected antenna system to the amplifier's output. This can save time and ensure efficient power transfer to the antenna.
  • Solid-State Design: The Icom PW1 is a solid-state amplifier, which means it uses modern semiconductor technology to amplify the radio signal. This design tends to be more reliable and energy-efficient compared to older vacuum tube designs.
  • Cooling System: Because the amplifier can produce a significant amount of heat, it is equipped with a robust cooling system to prevent overheating during prolonged use.
  • User Interface: The amplifier features a user-friendly front panel with controls and indicators for power adjustment, frequency selection, and other settings.
  • Integration with Transceivers: The Icom PW1 is designed to seamlessly integrate with Icom transceivers and can often be controlled directly from the transceiver's front panel or through computer interfaces.
  • Amplifier Protection: The amplifier includes various protection mechanisms to prevent damage due to high SWR (Standing Wave Ratio), overcurrent, overvoltage, and other potential issues.
  • Size and Weight: The amplifier is a relatively compact and portable unit, considering its power output. However, it's still substantial in size and weight compared to lower-power amplifiers.

  • I've had this Linear amplifier for a while now. Although it has it's caveats which can lead to creating issues (damaging) the amplifier itself, providing you take care in its set-up (RTFM), I have had great performance from this heavy and large amplifier.
    There are some mods you can do mainly to do with the CAT CI-V control bus. The problem is, when HRD is connected to the IC-9100 under some conditions, the PW1 can Switch band and back again out of the blue whilst transmitting.
    I believe this is still a problem on mine. I will in time investigate as soon as I get the chance but if I use a different control interface, like 'Flrig' etc. I don't seem to get the issue. I believe, it is also something due to the logging program on HRD in conjunction with HRD. If I use HRD log on its own with 'Flrig' I don't get an issue. We'll see.